Tuesday, September 25, 2007

the heartaches continue....sigh....

where do i begin?? how i wished my life had a pause button or even a rewind button...i can do wit a nice break from this restless world... a second go at life would be good too....like i said... how i wished... oh well... i wished you knew...

jus an old photo i found..lol...(wats vanod doin behind there??)

purple's mine...
pink's vanods..
gold's wee's..

a pick from eigen's dinner...
*the guy is chee yip* ^^

why do always rubbish happen to me?? Here's the thing... water bottles and hand phones never go together... trust me!! they are a bad combination... or maybe its jus me being an idiot... i cracked my phone's screen... i threw my bottle on my bed....and of all places...it had to land on my ding dong phone...sigh... next thing i knew...there was a nice crystal flower on my phone's screen sigh...

Just couple days back... some monkey took my watch... made me drive back to school and look for it...waste my time and petrol ony... made me feel like a donkey la...crack my phone's screen and lose my watch in the same week...sigh...

Tried the new futsal place at ou on sunday...''Padang''.. not a fan of the turf though...those pesky lil rubbery black stuff...real irritating when they get into your shoes...and surprisingly its quite slippery...quite on the expensive side also...the guy was nice to charge us the non-peak price... oh YA and even the guy hu runs the place knows im colourblind... * thx wee!!* is it that interesting to know sumone hu sees colour a LIL different??? i asked for gathorade orange and the guy gave me lemon... i guess he thought colourblind ppl couldn read as well...sigh....playing football on friday and badminton on saturday doesn really leave you with much energy left on sunday...haha...was pretty pooped even b4 playin futsal...


anyway the highlight of the day has got to be wen Jien Eu, entered the FEMALES SHOWER!! hahaha...used to think he was gay...but lil did i know that he was actually a Perv!!!!! hahaha...anyhow...we are all still proud of him as he finally became a man... go jE!!

didnt know sumone was takin a picture..hahhaha

(Jien Eu's hideout!! hahahaha)

see... it clearly said FEMALE SHOWERS!!

Shrek M&m..haha..see the lil yellow one with green spots...cool eh..hahahaha

anyway dun feel like writting anymore... real bummer mood sigh...when will it all be clear again?!?


Teh Han Ming said...

haha..u sounded like Jo-Erh at the start..like her previous post, Restart..Lol

.linglingling said...

Haha han ming reads ppls blogg? :P anyway.. just dropping by to say.. I DO CHECKOUT YOUR BLOG! mwahaha!

Unknown said...

This is the most interesting information and fit into our topic. I want to share it with my friends

cara mengatasi badan lemas

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obat tidur lelap

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